Friday 9 March 2018

Pakistani NUST First Carbon Fiber Mini Car With a 100 km Mileage Per Liter

Pakistani NUST First Carbon Fiber Mini Car Update:

For the past many years Pakistani students have stunned many with their creative and innovative ideas and products around the globe. This time also, students of National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) have created country’s first carbon fibre car which gives a 100Km mileage per litre, amazing isn’t it? According to the details, this eco-friendly car has made its way to the Shell Eco-Marathon Asia and will represent Pakistan. Pakistani NUST First Carbon Fiber Mini Car.

The main aim behind the manufacturing of this car was to build an eco-friendly vehicle that gives good mileage and doesn’t harm the environment as conventional vehicles do with their carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions.

One of the main reasons behind global warming is toxic emission from the cars. Pakistani NUST First Carbon Fiber Mini Car.

Read: Super Power Mini Smart E Car Launched in My Karachi Exhibition 2017

The ninth edition of the Shell Eco-Marathon will be held in Singapore and will begin on March 7 and end on March 12. It is a global program which attracts and challenges students from around the globe to build and drive energy efficient cars. It is to be noted here that in this particular event a total of 120 students will be participating from around the globe. Moreover, last year a Pakistani team hailing from NUST won the competition, so hopes are high that this time also Pakistani students would do great. Pakistani NUST First Carbon Fiber Mini Car.

The program comprises of two competitions, first in which the teams will showcase how farther their vehicle can go without consuming much fuel, and the other is how drivers can handle the energy efficiency factor while driving the car at top speed, basically, it is aimed to find out the fastest energy-efficient driver in Asia. Pakistani NUST First Carbon Fiber Mini Car.

Shell Eco-Marathon Singapore 2018

The Shell Eco-Marathon Singapore 2018 is at the preliminary stage where the participants have to take part in a traditional mileage challenge. This winner will be the most fuel-efficient car, which manages to travel the longest in a specific amount of fuel.

The next stage is known as the ‘Driver’s World Championship Asia’. This is a test for the drivers to manage the energy efficiency factor along with maintaining a high speed!
The winning teams of the event will be selected for the grand finale, Shell Eco-Marathon London.

Source: Mehran Post

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