Thursday 1 March 2018

Dark Web Red Rooms Doctor Shahid Masood Revealed The Dark Face of Internet

Dark Web Red Rooms Doctor Shahid Masood Update:
Recent claims by prominent anchorperson of News One TV Channel of Pakistan, Dr Shahid Masood have uncovered the secret face of Internet in Pakistan by using the words like ‘deep web’, ‘dark web’, ‘dark room’, ‘red room’, cryptocurrency etc. etc. Dark Web Red Rooms Doctor Shahid Masood.
The anchorperson had claimed that the culprit behind 8-year-old Zainab’s murder operates in connection with an international racket that trades violent child pornography. He said the culprit had 37 foreign currency bank accounts with transactions worth millions. He claimed the culprit received money from rackets operating in eastern European countries and supplied violent child pornography on demand. Dark Web Red Rooms Doctor Shahid Masood.
Now in today’s (01-03-2018) TV Program “Live with Dr. Shahid Masood” Dr. Shahid Masood again used the word “Red Rooms” on Dark Web. Now what are Red Rooms on Dark Web? Dark Web Red Rooms Doctor Shahid Masood.
A Red Rooms are a composite of urban legend and it is a dark/hidden website service available on the Dark Web where you can participate in interactive torture or murder. These red rooms generally contains explicit harassment and torture subjected by a command given by an evil person online. The evil intentioned person will pay for the torture online where the video is been live telecasted on the internet. Dark Web Red Rooms Doctor Shahid Masood.
This room is called “Red Room of Pain” where the live streamers can watch and ask the person to torture the blindfolded men or women online. Red Rooms are the live streaming onion or shadow sites with the option of live IRC chats along with the Bitcoin payment. The typing instruction will be executed only if they pay money to them. According to the amount of money they transfer to the owner, he will start making torture as per the instruction.
The term ‘Red Room’ has been around on the internet for more than decade – thought to originate either from ‘red rum’/’murder’, or from the 1983 horror film Videodrome, where torture is shown live on satellite TV in a red-painted room.
How any person can access to Red Rooms? Below is the answer of this question:
First intended viewer will send the email id to website owner. Then website owner will send them the link to pay the charges. User will pay the money and in return will get the access to enter into website. User will use that password and live cam show will be shown to the viewer where some person whose face is hidden behind the mask will show the subjects. The user will demand some action to be done with subjects and that action can be torture, cutting body parts, even torture to death. The higher the torture more the money demanded.
Broadly, the Red Rooms can be classified as a “Video portal”. So you can expect all and any kind of videos out there which are related to inflicting pain on others.

It’s like the “more advanced”, “real-time” deep web market for criminally intentioned videos.
1). Child Pornography
It deserves a special mention because most normal-minded people wouldn’t go for it, and that’s the reason why Child Pornographic material is also banned from most deep web markets!
So where do you find a video which isn’t even available on the deep web? The Red Room!
Child Pornography may include:
  • Torture: Physically harming the child, and taking sadistic pleasures from their pain.
  • Rape: Sexually assaulting the child, regardless of their gender.
  • Non-activity: It’s a special kind of pornography where nothing is actually done with or to the child, the victim is just tied to a bed or chair, generally without clothes and a camera streams that to the audience.
2). Murder
As the myth goes, you can either watch a random guy killing a random guy, or you can pay the administrators a specific amount to kill or torture a specific person.
The act is then streamed on the Red Room, and it’s believed that the killer takes orders from you regarding which steps to perform next.
You can also choose from “categories” such as “slow death”, “neck-slicing” and all other unthinkable methods of killing a person.
3). Rape
As if Child Pornography and Murder weren’t enough “Rape” seems to be an available “commodity” as well as “in-demand” service over the Red room deep web as well.
Rape on the Red room isn’t gender specific, both a man as well as a woman can be victimized and video-recorded for the viewer’s entertainment.
Again the rape has different categorizes as well, as you can well imagine ways to inflict sexual pain to a person, almost everything going through your brains right now is said to be possible and available on the Red room.
4). General Torture
It’s not so that only crimes that have been “categorised” can be streamed on Red room, there are videos of general torture as well.
For e.g. pulling off the nails, slicing the tongue, scooping out eyes, basically anything and everything which falls under the “extremely painful” category.
5). Chat
Some Red rooms also facilitate a “chat” option. Meaning in case you’re not interested in the videos, you can connect to “like-minded” people over there without revealing your identity.
Considering it’s extremely hard finding such “like-minded” people in the real-world on your own, it serves as a social network for people who fall under the various “sadistic” categories.
There are various packages and plans which separate the “video-watchers” from the “chat-users” and so on, the pricing plans differ as well for different uses.
These above categories are the horrible face of Internet, may Allah save our children from these types of tortures. Aameen.

Source: Mehran Post

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