Saturday 8 July 2017

Khazanay First Online Landa Bazar of Pakistan Now Buy Cheap Branded Products

Khazanay First Online Landa Bazar Update: Bazaars like ‘itwar bazar’, ‘jumma bazar’ and landa bazar are the places where you can find almost all types of used branded products and those too, with a very cheap price. Bazaars like these are present in different cities all across Pakistan. Even though these bazaars are widespread and in reach of almost everybody, many people miss out on them due to a variety of reasons.

With the availability of 3G and 4G technologies, a new idea of bringing the landa bazaar to the online world has come forward. Recently, an online landa bazaar named has been launched by Muhammad Usman Saleem and Fareedun.

About the Online Landa Bazar

The Khazanay First Online Landa Bazar website uses a 10-star rating system to identify the conditions of all the products on sale at the online store. Khazanay First Online Landa Bazar staff also post photos of the items along with item listings. Currently, the Khazanay First Online Landa Bazar only sells branded shirts and shoes. All items are cleaned up and examined before being put up for sale.

To give you an example, buyers can get shoes for as low as Rs. 500 and shirts at Rs. 350. The current stock offers a wide range of shoes and shirts for kids, men and ladies at affordable prices. And that’s just the start.

The Idea and Future Plans

The idea of launching a Khazanay First Online Landa Bazar came to the founders when they grew tired of their own jobs. Both founders of the online bazar are Chartered Accountants who wanted to start their own business.

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Having a home close to a Sunday Bazar and looking at all the development in the e-commerce sector gave them the idea of starting their own online shop of used products.

On the very first day, the store received 7 orders and the number has been growing ever since. Within the next few months, number of orders increased up to 50.

The business has now become 18 months old and even though they are providing free shipment, the business is still profitable.

On the other hand, the founders of the company have also presented their ideas to Silicon Valley startup incubator and have been successfully selected for incubation. Within the next six months, the team will be called to the US for further procedures.

Previously, their idea was supported by IBA’s incubator which gave them office space and gave them the opportunity to use interns from the university.

While talking to BBC Urdu, Usman told that they started with just selling shoes from Nike, Reebok, and Adidas and as the store gained momentum, they started to add shirts too. He also told that they will add household items and toys to the website in the coming days.

The founders of the website, Fareedun and Usman told that there is a vast area for further growth of the company and they are currently looking for investors to help them improve their online bazar even further.

In a country like Pakistan, the trend of buying cheap used items from landa bazaar is not going to die any time soon. With the launch of, buyers now have a choice to order items straight to their house without having to visit the crowded market places.

If done right, this model just might end up bringing more budget-conscious consumers to online shopping. Perhaps this just might make shopping online in Pakistan all the more mainstream.

Via: Mehran Post


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